Ser­vices Offe­red / Proposal

In Detail

Trai­nings and Imple­men­ta­ti­on in the fol­lo­wing Key Areas

  • Agi­le Pro­ject Management

  • Tra­di­tio­nal Pro­ject Management

  • Acqui­si­ti­on Stra­te­gies in Hun­ting & Farming

  • Estab­lish­ment of Key Account Management

  • Method-Sup­port­ed Sales and Intro­duc­tion of Sales Excel­lence Models

  • Deve­lo­p­ment of Coun­try Mar­kets based on Sales Part­ner Evaluation

  • Ana­ly­sis of Indus­try Structure

  • Pha­ses of a negotiation
  • Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal tools in a negotiation
  • Stra­tegy for­mu­la­ti­on and deri­va­ti­on of objectives
  • Chan­ge manage­ment based on an orga­niza­tio­nal dia­gno­sis (Cul­tu­ral Gap Analysis)
  • Eco­no­mic fea­si­bi­li­ty calculations
  • Post-mer­ger inte­gra­ti­on planning
  • Team Coa­ching
  • Trai­ning in Tools for Self-Lea­der­ship and Self-Management
  • Intro­duc­tion to Arti­fi­ci­al Intel­li­gence for Pro­ject Manage­ment and Sales
  • Auto­ma­ti­on of rou­ti­ne tasks and pro­ject planning
  • Risk ana­ly­sis and manage­ment through pre­dic­ti­ve analytics
  • Impro­ve­ment of stake­hol­der com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on through AI-sup­port­ed tools
  • Opti­miza­ti­on of sales stra­te­gies through data analysis
  • Data pro­tec­tion and data secu­ri­ty in AI applications

Stra­te­gic Project
Navi­ga­ting Dyna­mic Indus­tries with Social Com­pe­tence and Tech­no­lo­gi­cal Expertise

The rapid evo­lu­ti­on of enti­re indus­tries and com­pa­nies requi­res con­side­ra­ti­on of dyna­mic per­spec­ti­ves of num­e­rous stake­hol­ders. Social com­pe­ten­ces play a cen­tral role, as pro­ject mana­gers must con­sider the inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry skills of employees in fin­ding solu­ti­ons. The use of appro­pria­te infor­ma­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies is also cru­cial. Due to the­se deve­lo­p­ments, pro­ject manage­ment com­pe­ten­ci­es have beco­me stra­te­gi­cal­ly signi­fi­cant for the suc­cess of com­pa­nies and enti­re economies.

Through cus­to­mi­zed trai­ning, I offer par­ti­ci­pan­ts the oppor­tu­ni­ty to per­form more effi­ci­ent­ly in both inter­nal and exter­nal pro­jects. Tar­ge­ted trai­nings in agi­le and tra­di­tio­nal pro­ject manage­ment methods lead to opti­mi­zed pro­ces­ses and thus increase the com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness of the enti­re company.

Revo­lu­tio­ni­ze Your Sales Stra­tegy: Enhan­ce Reve­nue, Nego­tia­ti­on, and Cus­to­mer Rela­ti­onships through Tail­o­red Sales Training

From the enti­re sales pro­cess to nego­tia­ti­on tac­tics, the­re are num­e­rous approa­ches to opti­miza­ti­on that can assist com­pa­nies in incre­asing reve­nue and streng­thening cus­to­mer rela­ti­onships. Through sales trai­ning, I enable par­ti­ci­pan­ts to achie­ve bet­ter nego­tia­ti­on results, direct­ly impac­ting hig­her clo­sure rates. Sales trai­ning empowers indi­vi­du­als to opti­mi­ze their sales models and effec­tively uti­li­ze sys­te­ma­tic sales tools. The­se mea­su­res enhan­ce suc­cess in both cus­to­mer acquisition/hunting and cus­to­mer retention/farming. Trai­ning in con­cep­tu­al deve­lo­p­ment and ope­ra­tio­nal imple­men­ta­ti­on of Sales Excel­lence pro­jects will posi­tively impact mar­gins in various are­as of the business.

Stra­te­gic Busi­ness Expan­si­on: Navi­ga­te Inter­na­tio­nal Mar­kets, Form Smart Part­ner­ships, and Ensu­re Seam­less Mer­gers and Acquisitions

Befo­re the imple­men­ta­ti­on of inter­nal and exter­nal pro­jects, the ques­ti­on ari­ses regar­ding the actu­al busi­ness case sce­na­rio. In this con­text, the eco­no­mic con­se­quen­ces of the plan­ned actions need to be lis­ted and pre­sen­ted. My com­pact busi­ness manage­ment cour­ses are desi­gned to assist par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the deve­lo­p­ment and pre­sen­ta­ti­on of busi­ness case models. With the help of sel­ec­ted con­trol instru­ments, con­cep­tual­ly deve­lo­ped busi­ness models can be opti­mal­ly implemented.Through tar­ge­ted trai­ning in the field of Arti­fi­ci­al Intel­li­gence (AI), the effi­ci­en­cy of work in pro­ject manage­ment and sales is enhan­ced. The trai­ning ses­si­ons include an intro­duc­tion to AI, auto­ma­ti­on of rou­ti­ne tasks and pro­ject plan­ning, as well as the use of pre­dic­ti­ve ana­ly­tics for risk ana­ly­sis and manage­ment. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the use of AI-sup­port­ed tools to impro­ve stake­hol­der com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and the opti­miza­ti­on of sales stra­te­gies through data ana­ly­sis are trai­ned. The trai­ning also covers the con­side­ra­ti­on of the GDPR when using AI.

The gro­wing inter­na­tio­na­liza­ti­on demands cus­to­mi­zed mar­ket ent­ry stra­te­gies tail­o­red to the spe­ci­fic con­di­ti­ons at the coun­try level. To ope­ra­te suc­cessful­ly in inter­na­tio­nal mar­kets, not only a com­pre­hen­si­ve mar­ket ana­ly­sis is requi­red but also indus­try-spe­ci­fic exper­ti­se. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the socio-cul­tu­ral back­grounds of for­eign mar­kets must be careful­ly con­side­red to ensu­re opti­mal mar­ket access.

Stra­te­gic Cor­po­ra­te Plan­ning: Achie­ving Suc­cess with Effec­ti­ve Busi­ness Case Models and Stra­te­gies for Glo­bal Mar­ket Entry

The suc­cessful expan­si­on into inter­na­tio­nal mar­kets often depends on com­pe­tent dis­tri­bu­ti­on part­ners. The sel­ec­tion and qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on of dis­tri­bu­ti­on part­ners must take into account the indi­vi­du­al com­pa­ny stra­tegy. Eva­lua­ti­on pro­ce­du­res for exis­ting and poten­ti­al dis­tri­bu­ti­on part­ners must be tail­o­red to the spe­ci­fic needs of the com­pa­ny and focu­sed on results. The­se pro­ce­du­res sup­port you in iden­ti­fy­ing poten­ti­al cross-sel­ling oppor­tu­ni­ties through com­ple­men­ta­ry technologies.

Com­pa­nies often seek addi­tio­nal sources of com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness by acqui­ring parts of com­pa­nies or enti­re com­pa­nies, inte­gra­ting them into their ope­ra­tio­nal pro­ces­ses to rea­li­ze the so-cal­led busi­ness dri­vers. Suc­cessful cor­po­ra­te inte­gra­ti­on requi­res a con­cep­tu­al approach so that post-mer­ger inte­gra­ti­on can be imple­men­ted as plan­ned. During the imple­men­ta­ti­on, spe­ci­fic tools, as well as the ear­ly invol­vement of trai­ned pro­ject team mem­bers, can be helpful.

Espe­ci­al­ly in inter­na­tio­nal con­tract nego­tia­ti­ons, addi­tio­nal com­plex issues ari­se that go bey­ond purely com­mer­cial aspects – for exam­p­le, the juris­dic­tion. The cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on of arbi­tra­ti­on issues is of par­ti­cu­lar importance in this con­text. In this regard, inter­na­tio­nal arbi­tra­ti­on courts can be a valuable resour­ce for effi­ci­ent­ly resol­ving con­flicts befo­re a leng­thy court pro­cess beco­mes necessary.