WOT Ana­ly­sis

Inter­ac­ti­ve Stra­tegy Plan­ning for Your Business

SWOT Ana­ly­sis Dash­board – Stra­te­gic Cla­ri­ty at a Glan­ce!

🔹 Who is it for? Busi­ness lea­ders, con­sul­tants & teams who need a struc­tu­red SWOT analysis.
🔹 Why? No more mes­sy spreadsheets – easi­ly cap­tu­re and visua­li­ze strengths, weak­ne­s­ses, oppor­tu­ni­ties & threats.

🖥 Fea­tures & Usability:
Quick data ent­ry – Defi­ne & rate SWOT fac­tors with a simp­le form.
Cate­go­ri­zed ana­ly­sis – Cle­ar­ly sepa­ra­te strengths, weak­ne­s­ses, oppor­tu­ni­ties & threats.
Inter­ac­ti­ve visua­liza­ti­on – Bubble chart high­lights key prio­ri­ties instantly.
Dyna­mic SWOT lists – Add, edit & orga­ni­ze ent­ries with ease.
Data export – Easi­ly save SWOT ana­ly­ses for reports & presentations.

💡 Real-world exam­p­le:
A com­pa­ny iden­ti­fied new mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ties through a struc­tu­red SWOT ana­ly­sis and imple­men­ted tar­ge­ted actions to streng­then its com­pe­ti­ti­ve posi­ti­on.
