Skill Gap Ana­ly­sis Dashboard

Bridge Com­pe­ten­cy Gaps Effectively!

🔹 Who is it for? HR teams, pro­ject mana­gers & talent deve­lo­pers loo­king to assess and enhan­ce employee skills.
🔹 Why? No more mes­sy spreadsheets – easi­ly track skills, iden­ti­fy gaps & plan tar­ge­ted training.

🖥 Fea­tures & Usability:
Quick data ent­ry – Defi­ne requi­red skills and assess team capabilities.
Dyna­mic skill eva­lua­ti­on – Compa­re requi­red vs. exis­ting competencies.
Inter­ac­ti­ve visua­liza­ti­on – Radar charts high­light skill gaps at a glance.
Live ana­ly­sis – Auto­ma­tic cal­cu­la­ti­on of com­pe­ten­cy gaps for each team member.
Data export – Save results as a CSV file for fur­ther use.

💡 Real-world exam­p­le:
A com­pa­ny iden­ti­fied miss­ing key skills in its pro­ject team through skill gap ana­ly­sis and intro­du­ced tar­ge­ted trai­ning, signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ving pro­ject performance.
