Part­ner Eva­lua­ti­on Dashboard

Objec­tively Assess Sales & Busi­ness Partners!

🔹 Who is it for? Sales mana­gers, exe­cu­ti­ves & part­ner mana­gers who want to eva­lua­te their part­ners based on defi­ned criteria.
🔹 Why? No more sub­jec­ti­ve assess­ments – struc­tu­red eva­lua­ti­on using weigh­ted cri­te­ria for infor­med decision-making.

🖥 Fea­tures & Usability:
Cus­tom eva­lua­ti­on cri­te­ria – Defi­ne, weight, and ensu­re a total weight­ing of 100%.
Dyna­mic part­ner eva­lua­ti­on – Add busi­ness part­ners and assess them based on pre­de­fi­ned criteria.
Auto­ma­ted scoring – Cal­cu­la­te each partner’s total score using weigh­ted evaluations.
Inter­ac­ti­ve visua­liza­ti­on – Bar charts and radar charts for clear comparability.
Export & Down­load – Save results, ana­ly­ze data, and use insights for decision-making.

💡 Real-world exam­p­le:
A com­pa­ny impro­ved the effi­ci­en­cy of its part­ner net­work by 25% through data-dri­­ven part­ner eva­lua­ti­on, enab­ling it to iden­ti­fy and sup­port top-per­­forming partners.
